Download the Factor app

Download the Factor app

Choose your next week's menu with ease.

Choose your next week's menu with ease.

How it works

Choose Your Favourites
Choose weekly from twelve fresh meals, each prepared by our chefs and dietitians. This way, you can be sure that what you eat fits your lifestyle.
From Fridge to Plate
Our chefs prepare everything fresh, so you can enjoy meals at home that taste as if they came from your own kitchen.
Heat. Eat. Enjoy.
No groceries. No cooking. No dishes. Heat your ready meal in the oven or microwave, and in just a few minutes, you're ready to eat.

Frequently asked questions about our ready-made meals

What's in my weekly box?

When you download our food app and enable your subscription you will receive fresh, fully prepared meals delivered straight to your door every week. Each meal is ready to eat — simply place it in the microwave or oven and follow the specific heating instructions to enjoy a fresh meal in minutes.

Can I skip Factor for a week?

Of course. We’re as flexible as your schedule. You can modify, cancel, or pause your subscription whenever you like. You're in control. Log on to your account and select the date you would like to skip. Just make sure to do this before Wednesday, 11:59 PM, one week prior to the delivery date.

Are my ready-made meals frozen?

Our ready-made meals are always fresh, never frozen. The meals are delivered in insulated boxes filled with ice packs designed to keep your food at the right temperature during transport. We recommend placing the boxes in the refrigerator or freezer as soon as you receive them.